I'm new to Saint Paul the Apostle in Westerville. Where do I start?

Welcome to Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Westerville, Ohio! We are a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus.

Inspired by our patron Saint Paul the Apostle, we are a Catholic parish of disciples of Jesus Christ called to bring His truth and love into our community through humble, collaborative service that is faithful to the Word of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, and centered on the Holy Eucharist. 

We invite you to check out our Mass, Confession, and Adoration times and join us for worship on Sunday and throughout the week. Sign up for our Flocknote for the latest updates and register as a parishioner if you will be joining us regularly!

Sign up for Flocknote Mass & Confession Times Register as a parishioner

Learn more about the history of our parish by clicking here.

If you are curious about Catholicism or seeking to enter the Church, we invite you to get involved in our preparatory program for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). We’re happy to accompany you!

If you would like to get marriedhave your child baptized, or need to plan a funeral at Saint Paul, we are happy to begin the sacramental journey with you on our Sacraments page.

Want to give your children a Catholic education? Discover our St. Paul Catholic School (preschool and grades K-8) dedicated to teaching, living, and learning in the light of Christ. 

Looking for after school or home school catechesis and sacramental preparation? Learn all about our Parish School of Religion (PSR). 

Our journey of faith doesn’t end when we receive the Sacraments of Initiation as children or in RCIA; it’s just the beginning. Jesus Christ invites each of us into a lifelong friendship with Him as His faithful and fruitful disciples

Desiring to grow in knowledge of our rich and timeless Catholic faith? We invite you to join us for one of our various Adult Faith Formation offerings. 

Looking to get involved in a vibrant Catholic community, or serve the Lord and our local Westerville community? We invite you to get to know one of our community opportunities and explore our many ways to serve among all our Parish Ministries

Searching for resources to discover the richness of the Catholic faith? Check out the ever-changing Featured Resources from trusted Catholic media on our site and sign up for FORMED, where you can access thousands of films, programs, and much more for free with our parish subscription. 

We want to stay connected 

You can always find the latest parish news here, but we invite you to sign up for our Flocknote to receive updates and special messages from Father Wilson directly in your inbox so you don’t miss anything. 

Sign up for Flocknote

Register as a parishioner 

If you will be joining us regularly on Sunday, we invite you to register your household with our parish. Just fill out the form and we will be in touch to confirm your details. 

Register as a parishioner

Welcome home

Whether you are brand new or returning after a while, we are excited to welcome you to Saint Paul’s. We look forward to seeing you at Mass and around the parish! 

Misa: Qué esperar

If you have never been to Mass before, or if you haven't gone in a long time, we are excited to have you join us as we celebrate and worship together. We understand that it may feel foreign at first, and that some parts might seem confusing. The last thing we would want is for you to feel unwelcome during the service, so we have created a little guide for you to help you understand the liturgy a little better.

¿Por qué ir a misa? Sacramentos
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St. Paul Catholic School
Somos discípulos fieles. S t. Pablo está comprometido a enseñar, vivir y aprender a la luz de Cristo. ?Nuestra fe católica nos obliga a ser excelentes en todos los sentidos.
Beautiful Image Of Jesus Christ With Children
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
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Becoming Catholic — OCIA
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Altar Servers
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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
La Eucaristía: Fuente y Cumbre Para los católicos, la Misa es el corazón de nuestra fe, una celebración del Misterio Pascual de Jesucristo. El documento Sacrosanctum Concilium del Vaticano II...
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Music Ministries
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Sacristan Items Scaled
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